MySQL settings

MySQL configuration

The following settings files in the project codebase can be used to override default MySQL settings:

  • .docksal/etc/mysql/my.cnf

Copy examples/.docksal/etc from the Docksal project repo into the .docksal folder in your project repo and modify as necessary.

Apply changes with fin project restart (fin p restart).

Using different MySQL versions

When using the default stack (a custom project stack is not defined in .docksal/docksal.yml), switching can be done via the DB_IMAGE variable in .docksal/docksal.env.


Remember to run fin project start (fin p start) to apply the configuration.

Different MySQL versions may not be fully compatible. A complete db service reset (fin project reset db) might be necessary followed by a DB re-import.

Available images:

  • MySQL 5.5 - docksal/db:1.1-mysql-5.5
  • MySQL 5.6 - docksal/db:1.1-mysql-5.6
  • MySQL 5.7 - docksal/db:1.1-mysql-5.7
  • MySQL 8.0 - docksal/db:1.1-mysql-8.0

See documentation for projects using a custom stack configuration.