Project setup

Configuring a project to use Docksal

With Docksal you can initialize a basic LAMP stack with no configuration.
In this case a default configuration will be used to provision containers and set up a virtual host.

Initial configuration is done once per project (e.g., by a team lead) and committed to the project repo. Presence of the .docksal folder in the project directory is a good indication the project is using Docksal.

Project directory structure

Create a project directory structure:

mkdir ~/projects/myproject
mkdir ~/projects/myproject/docroot
mkdir ~/projects/myproject/.docksal

The docroot directory is mounted as the web server document root.
The .docksal directory is where all Docksal configurations and commands for the project are stored.

Is your Project Root the same as your Document Root? If so, you can accomplish this by running fin config set DOCROOT=. which sets the value in the .docksal/docksal.env file.

Start containers

cd ~/projects/myproject
fin project start

You will see output similar to the following:

Starting services...
Creating network "myproject_default" with the default driver
Creating volume "myproject_project_root" with local driver
Creating myproject_cli_1
Creating myproject_db_1
Creating myproject_web_1
Connected vhost-proxy to "myproject_default" network.

Note: SSH key passphrase If you are being asked for an SSH key passphrase for id_dsa or id_rsa, remember, that these are your keys loaded from your ~/.ssh folder into the ssh-agent container.
That’s why their paths look like /root/.ssh/.... That is the path inside the ssh-agent container.
Provide password(s) if you want to use git or drush commands, that require ssh access within Docksal (e.g., often a project init script or a composer script contains a repository checkout, which would require an ssh key for access).

Your project is ready

Your project stack is now running. Access it in your browser: http://myproject.docksal

By default, the virtual host name is equal to the project’s folder name sans spaces (underscores are converted to hyphens) with the .docksal domain appended to it.
myproject => myproject.docksal

Automate the initialization process

This is optional, but highly recommended.

Site provisioning can be automated via a custom command (e.g., fin init, which will call .docksal/commands/init). Put project specific initialization tasks there, like:

  • initialize the Docksal configuration
  • import databases or perform a site install
  • compile SASS
  • run DB updates, special commands, etc.
  • run Behat tests

Sample projects

For a working example of a Docksal powered project with fin init take a look at: